Friday, November 20, 2015

Dear Younger Self

I never really saw myself writing one of those "advice to your younger self" letters, but it was mostly because I had no idea what to say to my wayward teenage self. As I grow older, though, I'm discovering the things that I would tell myself, and the things I wouldn't. If given the chance, yeah, I would probably give my younger self some sound advice and save myself a world of trouble and nerves. There are some things better left to experience, and learning the hard way, but there are just some things that I'd want to avoid at all costs. So, past me, let's get started:

1. Don't try so hard to get people to like you. Some people just won't like you, and that's fine. Don't waste your feelings and energy on them. Some of those people will realize that you want them to like you, and take advantage of that. They will use you. Be aware.

2. Keep drawing and painting, and don't let anyone stop you. You will regret that you didn't keep going, and you will regret that you let the negative things get to you.

3. Wash off your makeup before you go to bed! Isn't this something we would all tell ourselves? Seriously, do it.

4. Don't feel bad about staying in and not hanging out with your friends when you don't feel up to it. Those nights will be precious. Don't let your friends make you feel bad for wanting time to yourself.

5. I would say make better friends, but it's good that you learned how to tell the difference between good and bad friends. 

6. Stick to journaling, and writing down your experiences. Years later, you will love reading those entries and remembering everything that happened. Your memory will erase much of it. Keep records.

7. Don't waste your time on romantic pursuits that you're not interested in from the beginning. Don't waste their time, or yours. Don't let your friends guilt trip you into accepting advances from people you don't like. "Oh, but they're nice" doesn't mean anything. It's just better for everyone in the end.

8. Don't laugh at sexist jokes to fit in. You felt uncomfortable for a reason, but you laughed so no one would call you "too serious" and tell you to learn to take a joke. Your existence, and other women's existence, is not a joke, girl. You don't have to jump into an argument with them, but don't laugh to validate their poor excuse for humor.

9. Don't be afraid to get into makeup earlier. I know people, mostly boys, around you will try to shame you for liking makeup, but don't listen! You'll enjoy it so much, and just imagine what getting started earlier will do for you.

10. Please, don't lose your love of reading. You will be so sad that it's gone, and can't even concentrate on a full chapter of a truly good book. Do everything you can to not burn out, and lose that love. It gave you such life.

What are some things you would tell your younger self?

Photo from pcwallart.


  1. First off- Hi Hali! I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog, I've been looking for another feminist-centric beauty blog :)

    4 is definitely an important one for me - though it's hard to convince people that sometimes staying in is actually good for you. Being an introvert, I definitely need my time off from the world once in a while and take everything in.

    My biggest advice to my younger self, and one I still struggle with sometimes, is simply not to compare myself to others. It's so hard sometimes! Oh, she's smarter. Oh, he's funnier. Oh, she's skinnier...I was so hard on myself and I try to be better at it now, being happy with who I am and learning to embrace my quirks and flaws, and the positive too.

    Coline |

    1. Hello Coline!! I'm so happy you found me and I can check your blog out! Any blog with some feminist bones is bound to be up my alley :)

      I agree, I didn't figure out I was an introvert for a long time and people thought I hated being around them. I just needed some time to myself to recharge.

      That was going to be my last point but I changed it at the last minute. It's very hard to learn to love yourself when you think there are so many flaws and everyone else has it better. I constantly have to remind myself I'm not the only one that feels that way. I wish we weren't so susceptible to self-critical thoughts!

  2. I honestly love reading posts like these because its so nice to be able to learn from other people's experiences. LI'm only 17 so i'm still in the weird teen stages where I do stuff that will probably make me cringe in later life! Number 1 is probably my biggest issue at the moment with feeling like I have to get people to like me. Great post!

    Noire Beau

    1. I know, I wish I had seen more of these when I was 16-17! It would have saved me some trouble haha. Though the cringe moments will be inevitable, I think...the unfortunate part of being 17! Thank you so much, I hope this helped you a little bit! :)
