Saturday, September 12, 2015

Youtuber Recs | CloudyApples

I know I'm not the only one who loves watching Youtube videos. Sometimes I'll spend hours on Youtube clicking through different videos, but I spend a lot of time watching makeup/beauty/fashion based videos. As such, I have a lot of favorite Youtubers that focus specifically on those genres, whether for fun or other things. One of my favorite Youtubers of them all does post a lot of beauty/fashion videos, but she also posts a lot of lifestyle and discussion videos that share her own thoughts about the world she knows. Beyond loving her content, she edits her videos in a fun and pleasing way that really appeals to me. She often includes her boyfriend in her videos, and both of them are also hilarious.

So, if you're looking for a new Youtuber to check out, try CloudyApples! I thoroughly enjoy her videos, and hopefully you will too.


  1. When I can find my headphones (husband is sleeping next to me) I will be sure to check them out. :) I really love makeup tutorials on YouTube. Sometimes not even to learn but really just watch. The process of makeup and even nail art is so mesmerizing to me sometimes. I love playing with my own. :)

    1. I love watching makeup tutorials when I'm in need of something calming, they're just something so soothing about watching them!

  2. Thanks for the recommendation! I am always up for learning about new youtube channels to watch!

    Rae | Love from Berlin

  3. I love CloudyApples too! She's so funny! As much as I love her beauty/fashion videos I also love her vlogs, especially the one from Singapore! She's really great!

    Paulina Serafin |

    1. I know, her vlogs are so fun to watch! I don't really watch vlogs but I just love hers so much.
