Sunday, May 10, 2015

Journaling Pt. 2

I've been keeping up with my journal a bit still, doing a few doodles and gluing letters I get from home into it. That particular letter was from my brother & sister-in-law, and my one year old nephew scribbled on it for me. I miss him.

I also found my old movie ticket stash and starting gluing those willy-nilly onto the pages (Harry Potter!! I never want to lose those tickets. 2010 feels like ages ago now). 

Just a few pages I've finished, I'm still doing a few doodles and whatnot. It's almost full, and I think I'll go out soon and buy a new journal to fill up. I need to get my hands on some magazines and clip some pictures out; I find collaging and filling up the white spaces with words to be so relaxing. 

Once I have more pages to show again I'll put those up too! :)


  1. This is so cute! I used to write journals all the time when I was younger and I love looking back on them now. I keep meaning to start one up again but always forget! Journals are an amazing thing to keep though I think.

    1. Thank you! I used to keep diaries when I was younger too, but I threw them all away...I'm still so sad about that! I think so too :)

  2. I am loving all your scrap book!

  3. This journal looks amazing and gives me the feel that you are incredibly creative. I wish I could draw the way you do. All I ever manage to get onto paper without failing completely are watercolour skies, hahaha. Thank you for sharing this ♥

    1. Wow, thank you so much!!! This really means a lot to me <3 I've been trying to foster my creative side once again and draw more, I'm so happy it seems to be bringing my drawing spirit back again. Watercolor skies are very lovely, I actually have a terrible time doing those!
