Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A Short Life Update

Hello everyone! I'm terribly sorry about my short little absence here. I came back to a handful of new followers and some lovely and amazing comments which really made me smile. Thank you all for your time and decision to read what I put on my tiny little corner of the internet, it really makes my day!!

The reason I've been a little scarce, if you haven't loosely guessed already, is that my mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I spent some time worrying over her, talking to her, and last Saturday I flew back to Georgia to see them. I'm still with her, and she just had a bilateral mastectomy and is now home recovering from that. I'm so proud of how strong she's been for everyone, despite how scared and small she might be feeling. I'm so happy I was able to be with her for her surgery and see her through it. She's an amazing and strong woman and I'm so proud of her! 

Thank you all for sticking around, and I promise I'll be back and regularly posting soon. xx