Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Day at the Fair

Today was my day off, and I was relaxing and enjoying it when my friend called me to come to a street fair in the neighborhood I work in. So, I threw on some clothes, took the subway and hung around for a few hours and had some fun!

It was almost unbearably hot today, and a little humid. But the fair was very lovely and fun regardless of the heat. I enjoyed looking at all the little booths and smelling the food as we walked by. I tried a few things here and there, but mostly enjoyed walking around and petting stranger's dogs.

It was a bit of a nostalgic day, too. My hometown holds a little fair every year around November that my dad used to take me to when I was younger. We haven't gone the past few years, and it's something that I really actually miss. I don't spend a lot of personal time with my dad as we aren't as close as I am with my mom, though we still love each other very much. Today, I missed being younger and spending time with my dad at a tiny little fair in a tiny little town. 

Despite the memories, I tried to make newer ones and enjoy myself for that day.

I did stop at a little crystal/gem booth, where an old man was selling gorgeous crystals and crystal jewelry. I bought a few that caught my eye. They were the only things I bought, but I didn't want to buy too much, as I have nowhere to really put anything right now.

Aren't they lovely? 


  1. Those are gorgeous! We all have nostalgic days, hope you enjoyed yours!


  2. Looks so lovely!! :)<3

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! It was a lot bigger than it seems, I just didn't take enough pictures haha c:

  4. Mmm that slushy looks amazing! I could do with one of those right now! This is just my sort of thing, I love fairs, you can find some really amazing things!

    Meme xx

    New post:

    'The Book Mouse Suggests: The Raven Boys'

    1. It was so good! Just the right amount of syrup and ice. I do too, I love looking at all the homemade wares and buying something unique. :)

  5. Beautiful pictures, looks like you had a wonderful day! I haven't been to a fair in the longest time!

    1. Thank you! I really did :) I hope you get to go to one soon, I forgot how fun they can be!

  6. Those stone crystal thingies look mindblowing. Whenever I see things like that, I have to stare at them for such a long time, imagining how they gew over time, got their colour and shape. Fanastic find. Thanks for sharing ♥

    1. Thank you! I'm the same, I love studying the shape and imagining how long it took for those beautiful shapes to form as they are.

  7. So lovely! Adore the crystals <3

  8. Looks like you had a great time! I love discovering street markets :)

    The Everyday Life of Rachel

  9. I know! It's insanely beautiful.
