2015 is officially over (has been for a few days!), and 2016 has begun. I couldn't really think of something to post about, except to say goodbye.
This was a very strange year for me, yet also a great many new things happened to me that I feel shaped me greatly as a person. I feel like I really "grew up" this year, in some ways, despite kicking and screaming the whole way. Maybe 24 is a bit late to be growing up, so to speak, but I haven't really been able to get out on my own to figure out adulthood until this year. I've made and lost some friends, learned a great many things, and as I was reflecting, I thought maybe I should write some of my accomplishments down for me to look back on later. So, 2015, here we go!
1. I moved! I've lived with my parents my whole life, and this year I took a big leap and moved quite far away from them. They weren't exactly happy, but I knew I needed to do it. I don't regret my decision. It was so hard, and I was homesick for about four months and cried myself to sleep a lot. But it was something I needed to do. You know when you can just feel that moment, and you know if you don't do it then, you'll just be twiddling your thumbs forever waiting for it to happen? Yeah, that was me. And I did it, and I'm so proud of myself.
2. I bought my very first couch. It's leather, and the cats have already ruined it, but it's my first couch and I'm quite proud of it.
3. I kept up with this blog, though I did take some small breaks here and there. I have such a hard time sticking with things, mostly because my perfectionist self gets fed up and deletes everything because it isn't good enough. I've been forcing myself not to do that this time, and to just keep working and improving slowly. I'm glad I stuck with you!
4. I got a job and have kept it for longer than three months, a first for me.
5. I realized that Brooklyn may not be the home my heart wants, but it's a great place to find myself for a bit. I know I don't want to be there for very long, but it's suiting my needs just fine right now.
6. I got back into a new college and am trying hard to graduate at a decent pace that doesn't make me feel like a failure. You'll get there, girl.
7. I've been making an effort to learn how to let things go. It's always bothered me to not know everything, but that tends to put more stress and tension on myself and others than necessary. I've been learning to step back and just be quiet sometimes, and I think I made great progress last year. Let's keep the trend going.